This installer script will make your workflow more comfortable and seamless for integrating the Turso/libSQL PHP Extension into your project and development environment. Designed to reduce the hassle when trying something new and extraordinary, as installing extensions in a PHP environment can be quite cumbersome.

With this installer, developers can easily install, update, and uninstall extensions, just like using a commonly used package manager. And here is an example of usage:

btw, the script called turso-php-installer


turso-php-installer is a Composer package capable of executing various commands related to libSQL, simplifying the development process, and making it easier to simulate in a local environment.

composer global require darkterminal/turso-php-installer

Tip: if you want the script name more friendly you can rename the script file name.

export COMPOSER_BIN_DIR=$(composer config --global home)/vendor/bin
mv $COMPOSER_BIN_DIR/turso-php-installer mv $COMPOSER_BIN_DIR/turso-php

Turso PHP Installer Usage

Install the Extension

Install with different style and needs:

  • Intaractive mode
  • Non-interactive mode
  • Laravel Sail

Interactive Mode

turso-php-installer install

Non-interactive Mode

turso-php-installer install -n --php-version=8.3

Laravel Sail

Laravel Sail

Read the detail how to setting up libSQL in Laravel Sail

Update the Extension

turso-php-installer update

Uninstall the Extension

turso-php-installer uninstall

Thatโ€™s it! Really easy. Would you like to dive deeper into other commands? See the Reference